The jury consists of one member from each country, totally four persons:


Marina Vahtola (1963) Espoo, Finland
Education; M.Sc.(Econ.) in 1987 (Hanken School of Economics 1984-87)
Principal Employment History;
Oral Hammaslääkärit Plc; Managing Director 2010 –2011
Bauhaus Finland and Bauhaus Estonia; Managing Director 2004-2009
Positions of trust;
Chair for Caress Group Oy 2011-
Board member Priorite Company 2011-
Aktia Plc, Board Member 2007 –
Lääkäripalveluyritykset ry, Board Member 2010-


Carina Lundberg Markow, Manager Responsible ownership, Corportate Governance Manager Folksam.
Social scientist with Political science and MBA, Master of Business and Administration, from Copenhagen Business School, a board member of the Academy of Equality since May 2009, a thinktank founded by Lantbrukarnas Riksförbund.


Jens Christian Hansen, Business journalist commentator at Berlingske Tidende, more than 20 years journalistic experience at Berlingske Tidende and Jyllands-Posten, also correspondent in New York. He has received the Cavling-prize. Co-author of the biografy about Jess Søderberg, "Mand af Mærsk." and the book  ”Stine Bosse – det handler om at turde”


Gunnar Eckbo, Board analyst and entrepreneur of the prize "Chair of the Year" in the Nordic countries since year 2000. Editor of a board newspaper 1999-2008. Launched the Gabrielsen Prize 2011 - the best woman candidate for a chair position in an ASA company. The ASA companies must have 40% women due to a law launched of Minister Ansgar Gabrielsen in 2002. Eckbo is responsible to set up juries in every Nordic country and makes market research among chairmen.

The main rule is that a jury member is not allowed to vote for their own domestic candidate. The jury is evaluating each candidate by 13 criterias which are alike in every Nordic countries and in addition the conclusions from the questionnaires from the directors of the boards.