The Jury Evaluation
She fulfills the criteria with a great distance; 17 years as manager with profit responsibility and 10 years of experience from different company boards.  
She has a background as Managing Director of different companies in different businesses. Her experience is broad; she has worked with stock exchange companies, with public enterprises as well as with risk capital. 
She is an appreciated leader who drives change with a clear and visible agenda. She was awarded the "Årets Ruter Dam" prize in 2003.
She has directly managed 500 employees and a P/L of 12 BNSEK as the CEO of Kronans Droghandel.  Apoteket Konsument had a top line of 30 BnSek and 8500 employees when she had the management responsibility there - and she has also managed the 20 BnSEK Sjætte AP fund as well as Global Health Partner with 400 employees and 20 specialist hospitals. 
All in all, her wide experience ranges from business, industry, health care, different ownership- and business models including political ownership. She has operated within B2B as well as B2C. She has worked for large as well as medium sized companies.
A substantial part of her experience stems from large transformation- and change processes.  She is appreciated as a leader and and high scores when we ask for feedback.
Her board experience is wide. Marianne has been on several boards over the last 10 years. She started out as a member of the board of the stock company Castellium in 2005 and is still there. 
Thus the winner of the Women’s Board Award 2014 in Sweden is: Marianne Dicander Alexandersson

Contact info: Board analyst Gunnar Eckbo, +47 92024576, post (at)